Sunday 15 April 2012

Fat chick and the other half hitting the restart button

WooHoo finally starting my getting healthy new life kinda blog....I know there is a million blogs like this but I am kinda hoping this blogging will help keep me accountable for something or other.

my Healthy life blog!!!!! only took a few months to get up the nerves to actually do this.  As I sit here with my wendys cup beside me and icing stuck to my right boob, I think yes this is the time for the healthy blog to begin.  Here goes...So we got that Insanity workout dvd, it is HARD we did on workout and both procrastinate about when to do round 2 (its been 3 weeks since the first one)
Paleo anyone? Ive started learning about the Paleo lifestyle hopefully we will be able to incorporate that somehow (I don't think Doritos are involved, its kinda a clean easting type thing)
I may be the fat chick but I am pretty physically able, I have a pretty strenuous job and I manage to keep up with the big boys no problemI sit here reading up on PALEO/ watching cross fit videos while eating a donut, and just realized there is icing on my boob
but this is just what it is, me, Im kinda all over the place and ya never said this blog was going to be all "oh I ate a salad today, jogged 3 miles, lost 5 lbs" etc type health blog...Its more of the just real life plain and dirty.  I plan on posting goals/what I actually completed each week, trying to do this with my other half.  He appears to be more in shape then me but that is just his body build physically we are about the same and eating we are about the same.  Its all horrible.  We are trying to get overall healthier together for the first time. So here goes.

Goals for this week:

  • Learn more about Paleo eating
  • Eat as little processed foods as possible
  • 2 Insanity workouts
  • Stay on money budget